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Atlanta Astronomy Club

Peach State Star Gaze 2024

30th Anniversary

September 29th to October 6th




Rules and Guidelines

The purpose of the PSSG is to provide Astronomers with a star party for observing, socializing and learning. All are welcome, regardless of your experience. Please observe the following courtesies in order that the event will be an enjoyable experience for all who attend. The PSSG Committee is the final authority.

Gate : The Entrance Gate to Deerlick will be closed around 7:30pm (near Sunset) and open at 9:00am. Driving on or near the observing field, after sundown, is not allowed unless there is an emergency (See Emergency below.). If you arrive after dark or plan to leave before sunrise, you must park in the designated area with your headlights pointed away from the field.

The gate automatically opens when approached from inside the DAV.

Lighting : Observing is more enjoyable when your eyes are dark adapted. White light and bright light can destroy a person's dark adaptation in an instant. There will be no white light after dark on site. Please bring and use red flashlights. Please use the dimmest amount of light possible.

Power Outlets: There are numerous power outlets around the main part of the field. These are to be shared amongst all attendees. They are primarily for computer and telescope equipment. There are a number of power outlets on the posts of the pavilion which can be used for charging batteries, plugging in laptop etc.

Generators : Generators intrude on your neighbor's peace and enjoyment of the natural outdoors. We expect that people, who use generators, to limit their usage as much as possible. Noisy generators, as determined by the PSSG Committee and a sound meter, will be shut down. People with generators, will be directed to camp in a designated area. You might consider using sound baffling.

Pets : We love pets but WOULD PREFER YOU LEFT THEM AT HOME. If you feel compelled to bring your pet, they must be properly restrained at all times. You are responsible for your pet and must clean up after them. If your pet is messy or noisy, you will be asked to leave. You are responsible to ensure your pet does not disturb others.

DAV Land Owners : The area south of Grier field is a private area of land and home owners. If you wish to visit or tour the DAV land owners' area, please contact a homeowner/landowner for an invitation. The Deerlick Group will also be providing tours and providing information.

Emergency: In the event of an emergency at night, notify your neighbors or contact PSSG staff for assistance. People will guide you off the field and notify others that there may be lights.

Perimeter Walking Trail: There is a walking trail on the outer perimeter of the DAV property. The trail on the east side follows the old Conestoga Wagon trail. You are free to explore and walk the trail.

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This page was last updated on Thursday, January 4, 2024